
Self Love Manual – exercises for self love

Original price was: £19.99.Current price is: £14.99.


I created this manual and exercises for self love to help you create a routine using my daily, weekly and monthly tools. The tools in the manual will increase your consciousness, confidence, peace, joy and ultimately love you have for yourself. The fact that you are reading this description means that you are ready to take the first step and let the universe guide you to your new life. The life that is filled with joy, love and excitement.

Join me today and start your journey towards self love. The one of the most important loves in your life. The love that will change your world. Trust me it did so for me and I finally feel it’s the best time to share as the world quiets down and brings the focus inward. Now is the best time to learn, practice and evolve.

The manual will teach you the importance of:

  • Meditation
  • Journaling
  • Daily Affirmations
  • Choose Again Method
  • Exercising
  • Solo Dates
  • Reading
  • Gratitude List
  • Monthly Goal Setting

I’m so excited to have you on board. I also decided to share a little bit about my journey and what brought me to the life I live now. I gained so much confidence using the simple exercises for self love that allowed me to travel the world alone, move to Bali, start a clothing line and write a book. This is also possible for you as long as you are willing to make a decision, back it up with an action (i.e this manual) and trust that the universe will take you places you never even imagined. You are worth it and deserving of it.

Please feel free to keep me posted with your progress via Instagram and a Facebook group specifically created for anyone looking to shift their mindset and start living the best version of the life possible.

Sending love and light your way.

Tania xxx


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